News Bulletin 273

‘Holmes chuckled and wriggled in his chair, as was his habit when in high spirits’*

It’s a dog day afternoon…… Whitehead

It takes Peter Blau (All the way from the USA) to tell me that the Wireless Mystery Theatre Company’s production of The Hound of the Baskervilles will be staged in Whitehead, Co. Antrim this coming Saturday, 28 November 2015. How come I didn’t know about this, nor, it appears, did any of you nearer home?

It’s all part of the Whitehead Victorian Street Fair, now in its 7th year. The Hound performance starts at 2.00pm in the Church of Ireland. As for the price of admission, I’m without a clue (Possibly a fiver would not be far off the mark but don’t hold me to that). Brief details are here and the story Peter picked up on (from the Carrick Times) is here.

Given its Victorian background and setting (for those of you who are not from these parts, it’s just up the road from Belfast, nestling on the corner of a bay near the mouth of Belfast Lough), it occurred to me that the little seaside village of Whitehead should make a pitch for the New Brighton scene in Card, should anyone be contemplating a new production. They’ve got at least two rowing boats, it’s unlikely that fog would need to be imported in this part of the world (Surely I don’t need to explain?) and they’ve even got a Victorian train station (Whitehead is home to the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland, who are laying on steam rides on the day).


Elementary, it’s the new season

Episode 2 of Elementary season 4 is scheduled for Thursday 26 November; it’s on Sky Living at 9.00pm (Repeated following morning at 1.50am). This is a 22 episode series, two less shows than the previous ones (Would anyone care to explain this to me?).

If you’re still doing catch-up, Sky Living has almost finished another run through of Elementary season 1 (Mon/Tue/Wed and Fri).

You can still catch the season 4 trailer here (on Bulletin 272) and the show’s home page is here.


Tunnel vision

Episode 1/6 of a new documentary series – Britain’s Biggest Bank Jobs, airs on Channel 5 this Monday (That’s tomorrow, the 23rd) at 10.00pm. The opening episode focuses on the audacious 1971 bank heist in Baker Street. Apparently, robbers sprayed the legend: “Let Sherlock Holmes solve this!” on the walls of the vault of the Lloyd’s Bank branch. I must have missed that (or did I?) in the fictionalised account, the 2008 crime film The Bank Job. Apart from the street location, obviously, the other link to SH is the method which the robbers used to do their dirty deeds. Where the villains inspired by the plot of RedH? Did they have feet of clay? (Enough, enough! Ed.)


Next up

We’ll be setting sail again this day week (Sunday 29 November) on our latest adventure. Brief details are here. The film programme has been changed from the one scheduled in Mayday Mayday (No.136). You can rest assured that what’s now in place sounds more than good to me (Boom Boom).
