News Bulletin 220

“He was always a man of iron nerve”*


Part 1 tonight @ 9pm on Channel 4

This brand new US drama (in two parts) premiered in the States on September 1st and 2nd. Written by Nicholas Meyer – Remember The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976)? – and starring Adrien Brody, it follows the epic tale of Harry Houdini as he emerges from humble beginnings to become America’s first bona fide, world-renowned superstar.

From the US, Peter Blau tells us: “I’ve recorded the program, but have watched only the first two hours . . . and have seen a trailer for the second two hours, in which Conan Doyle does appear.  It’s strange that they’ve not put the full cast up at the Internet Movie Data Base, but I’m sure they’ll get round to it.  There’s a mixture of fact and fiction . . . and quite a bit of fiction.”

“John Cox has a Wild About Harry website and discusses the film in great detail . . . but I recommend that you watch the film first, because there are all sorts of spoilers in Cox’s comments,” adds Peter.

This link will tell you something about what some have called “the unlikely friendship” between Houdini and Conan Doyle.

Part 2 is next Sunday (14th) @ 9pm.


