July 2010 News Bulletin 1

 “Have I anything to say?  Yes, I have a deal to say.”


Moriarty – Did Holmes Make Him Up?

Our FORUM Quarterdeck is up and running and the first topic for discussion is ‘the Napoleon of crime’ Moriarty.

The Forum has 2 levels of discussion.  The first level is the Quarterdeck.  Anyone, members and non-members alike, can click on this and view the contents.  However, if you want to respond to what you read or post something new you’ll have to first register and then log-in each time you visit the forum.

The second level of discussion is the Bridge.  This is only visible to members of the Crew (Crewmates).  To view the contents and also to add your own, again you’ll need to first register and then log-in each time you visit the forum.

Members should refer to the email from the Shipping Office dated 11 July for further details.