“I shall try not to miss anything of importance.”
Date for Sherlock 2.
According to the Hollywood Reporter (27 May 2010), Warner Bros. has scheduled the sequel to Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes for mid-December 2011.
BBC Ejects Pilot as Sherlock Gets Set for Take-Off!
Sherlock, a new 3-part series which sets our hero in the twenty first century is due to screen on BBC 1 TV in July 2010. The series, made by Doctor Who producer Steven Moffat and League of Gentleman star Mark Gatiss, will feature Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock Holmes and The Office star Martin Freeman as Dr Watson. The pilot episode has however been dumped, according to a report in The Sun, 27 May 2010 which claimed that this decision could waste as much as £800k.
Tom & Jerry Run Riot on Baker Street.
The loveable cat and mouse duo will meet Sherlock Holmes in a straight to DVD release on 16 August 2010. RRP: £9.99.
The Begining of a Legend.
The first children’s book, it’s also the first of a planned series, to be commissioned by the Conan Doyle Estate Ltd, was published on 4 June 2010. Young Sherlock Holmes: Death Cloud by Andrew Lane (Macmillan Children’s Books, Paperback, £6.99) ‘combines ingenuity and breathtaking excitement with a real feeling for character’ according to Roger Johnson in the latest District Messenger (No. 303). http://www.youngsherlock.com.